We were recently approached by Kings Church in Gateshead which works in partnership with Transforming Lives for Good (TLG).
TLG is a Christian charity that helps churches to bring hope to children who are facing the toughest starts in life from school exclusion to poverty and holiday hunger. The Church asked us to donate boxes which could be used by its volunteers to make ‘Boxes of Hope’ for families in need. The packages provide families with essentials such as food and contain tinned and dried goods, along with ingredients and recipe cards to enable families to create a range of meals, as well as cleaning and toiletry items.
The boxes also contain ‘well-being’ activities for both parents and children, colouring books, crafts, indoor family games and outdoor activity ideas.
Adam Taylor, Managing Director at Taylor Packaging, said: “We were delighted to donate the boxes to Kings Church to help them in their quest to make these packages which are a lifeline to so many families in need.
“It was fantastic to hear that some of the boxes were used over Easter by Hungerhang Out Dunston to provide five families with food and well-being activity parcels, as well as Easter treats and hot meals.”
Meg Ellison, Pastor at Kings Church Gateshead Campus, added: “The Box of Hope project is designed to help vulnerable families who are struggling with food poverty by bringing them a little bit of hope in difficult circumstances. We were given some funding for start-up costs and everything else we have received has been through donations of money and food by both individuals and local companies.
“We were so grateful to receive a donation of boxes from Taylor Packaging as it has helped greatly in transporting food. A local café provided us with hot meals and afternoon tea to include with the boxes that went out for Easter and Mother’s Day to women and children dealing with domestic violence.
“We didn’t want to use old boxes as we wanted the parcels to look nice when they were delivered. One of our values as a Church is ‘Excellence’ so having new boxes was important. Out of the eight companies we approached, Taylor Packaging was the only company to respond to our need – so A BIG THANK YOU!”
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